SEO for Newbies

Best SEO Guides

Search engine optimization is the way to get ranking in search engines (google, yahoo,etc). “How to get ranking in first pages of search engine” this is the question for everyone for bringing their website in first page of search engine. First we should know how search engine finds your website or web pages for ranking If we know that we can easily find the way for SEO.

How SEO works

For example some one typing words in search engine for finding information from world wide web. Then search engine will look for that word from www and will list the pages where those words found. Next search engine will rank it based on quality of those pages. This is the simple process have been happening behind the SEO.

Build SEO step by step

Keyword – Keyword is a word that describes the contents of webpages and it helps to find the content from web. Visitors of webpages they search one topic in different ways. For example some one type “seo guide” other may “seo tutorial” another one “what is seo” topic about seo but people search in different way. So keyword stuffing is an important part of the seo for search engines. You can find the keywords from google keyword planner for your content. Some keywords are high traffic some other keywords are medium and low traffic for same topic. Find high traffics keyword for your content.

Domain name – You can use the keyword or brand name for your domain name but remember one thing some search engines looking which website visited more just entering directly their domain name because that domain name should be popular that is why people entering directly so that it should be short or remember able domain name are best to choose. When you buy a domain name it is better to register more than one year is best.

Title – Your webpage title should be unique for your website and better to build with keyword naturally. Let say “seo guide” is a keyword so don’t use the exact keyword for your title you can give title “best seo guide” as naturally. If you use the exact keyword some search engine may push back for ranking as you made title for keyword not for content. Title is the important so dont let it be empty.

meta Description – Meta description is very important it will show in search results and visitors can easily understand your webpage or website what about. Give unique description for each page.

meta Keyword – In early years it was popular for seo. But now the days you can use only 2 to 3 keywords is enough for your page.

Headings – Use the keywords in your heading tags (H1,H2..).

Content – Create fresh and unique contents. Dont copy the contents from other sites. Create your page with atleast 500 words of length. If is too much contents or less content you will be get back in your ranking. Keep one page for your blogs and keep update it with your articles,newsletters, promotions,deals,discounts and about new features because search engines look where unique and fresh contents are located. Use the keywords in contents naturally.

Anchor links – Use descriptive anchor links. For example dont use the common words like “click here”,”next”,”view” use descriptive like “click here for seo guides” and It is better than “click here” so search engines can easily understand this links for what about. And also You can use the keywords for anchor links. Try to avoid images or flash contents for anchor linking.

Images – Give the short descriptive name for your images and use the alternate tags, give the caption and give the description of the images. Dont use the common name for images like “image1”, “picture1”,etc use short descriptive like “image-dogs”. Dont use more images and high capacity images in your pages it will kill the loading time for search engines.

Videos – Search engine cannot find the information from videos so dont forget to give the caption and description of your videos.

Flash – Try to avoid the flash based website. There are no contents to find for search engines.

URL structure – Use search engine understandable url structure. Dont use the numbers or common wording like “page1.html”,”123.html”. Use like “article-about-seo.html”,”seo-guide” this is better than “articleaboutseo” or “seoguide”. Use hyphen(-) for separating words not underscore(_).

Directory structure – Properly organize for your Directory structure. For example use image folder for images,use article folder for your articles and etc.

User experience – Your website should be able to navigate easily from your first page to last page easily and use search box to easily find content in your website. Allow people to review your pages and to leave comments. Give site map for your websites.

Social media integration – Let your visitors to share your contents and like pages through social media networks.

Back links – Search engine believes if anyone have more back links that may be good website. Because you have good quality contents that is why other websites links your website. You can make back links from your social media pages, local classified ads pages, forums, give your rss feed to other one to link your website, etc. Do not get back links from low quality sites like porn sites.

Note – When you are linking affiliate links be careful because search engines avoid those pages as cookie cutter. When you integrated affiliate links or affiliate pages make sure nofollow or noindex pages. So it wont be affected in search ranking results.

Author: wpgadmin

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