Make money online by uploading digital photoes

Sell your digital photos

If you have interest in photography or if you are photographer this is the best way to make money online by uploading your digital photos. There are lot of people need images to decorate their websites, to make better graphics and to use in their printing services(In booklets, flyer, magazines and etc.). There are websites selling photos to their customers and you can upload your digital photos in their websites. When their customer downloading images you will get particular percentage for each sales. It is one of the best and simple steps make money online without any start up costs if you already have an digital camera. Each image selling website have two separate sections one for selling their images and another one is to uploading images.

Here are Some useful website info below to upload your digital photos to make money online


If you are a graphics designer these are the best place to sell your artworks like photoshop images, Illustration and vector images. As you are graphic designer you will be designed lots of images(Business cards design, booklet design, flyer design,etc) yourself for your friends or any companies in the same time you can be sell those through this websites. There are lots of photographers don’t know that they can sell their photos. Some time photography may be your hobby but when you selling photos you have to consider what kind of pictures you will be able to sell. I already mentioned above why they people buying images from these website.

Website designers and other who creating websites need the images to put the images in top banner, in contents, links, in sliders, button and everywhere in web pages.

Graphics designers used images in their artwork like magazines, book covers, in flyers and in  their banners.

Some other people buying images and decorating their house walls.

So when you take a shoot target those peoples and you can easily sell your images. White background or any one colour background is best for your photos because it will be able to edit the images easily otherwise it will be difficult to remove the background for pictures. Most important thing you will have to consider when you uploading images how visitors can find your images from these websites via which keyword they entering. So when uploading set your image for proper keywords. In some of the websites your images will come front of visitors based on reviews of your images. So you can easily push your images in front of website visitors by allowing your friend to review and rating your photos for these websites. Sometime one review will help you to get your image in front. Upload your photo in all image selling websites because all these websites have unique customers so can get lot more downloads for your images. Think if 500 people downloaded your one image as you get $ 0.5 per download and you will get $ 500 for one image by simply uploading. This is the best way to make money online for photographers.

Author: emss

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