Make money online from affiliate marketing

What is affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance based marketing for products or business services by affiliate known as publisher. Affiliate gets links from business owner or product vendor to promote and he is getting paid based on his performance. Now the days affiliate marketing is a most popular and profitable way to make money. Most of the companies avoid direct marketing and they encourage people to do affiliate marketing and they get big profit.

How affiliate marketing program help you to make money online

Affiliate marketing websites which is set up the program to connect vendor or business owner and affiliate or publishers. These websites get the links from vendor or business owners and organized it to provide to affiliate to promote their products and vendor have been paying money for affiliate performance through through these affiliate marketing websites.

Note – Some the vendors have built their own affiliate program to promote their products through affiliates.

What types of affiliate program available you to choose

Pay per click (PPC)

The advertise or vendor pays you if anyone click on the link that you have promoted in your website or anywhere. The popular example of this type is google adsense program.

Pay per sale (PPS)

The advertiser pays you if the customer made a sale through your promoted link. Best example for this type is clickbank.

Pay per post

You will get paid when you post a blog about the advertisers. Payperpost gives you commission to blog about their advertisers.

Pay per call

It is also same as per per click. There will be a tracking phone numbers provided by affiliate marketing websites for advertisers. if anyone call through that phone number you will get paid. Commission junction is the best example they have provided this pay per calling systems.

Pay per lead

This system pays for basis of joining or signups. Example your are going to route people to signup to advertisers websites then you will get paid.

Affiliate programs websites

Affiliate marketing websites are the marketplace for advertisers or vendors to market their products at the same time which allows affiliate to publish the products. You can find which products you are going to promote from below these listed websites.


Clickbank is best affiliate marketing website for digital products (ebooks, softwares, etc) with 6 million client and distributing in 190 countries. Their affiliate earning up to 75% commissions and they have pay per sale affiliate marketing program.

Commision Junction

The popular affiliate network marketing in North America and they have made perfect relationship between merchants and affiliates. In their market place you can find pay per click, pay per lead, pay per sale and pay per call advertisers.


This is an another exclusively affiliate marketing network and they have been offering over 3900 affiliate programs. They have categorized their affiliate products under the following home and garden, fashion, green, business, art and music, family and kids, food and drink, education, health, sport and rec, and wedding. When you are registering as an affiliate you must be submitted your website address.


This is based on Australia and they have offices in UK, USA, Japan and in India. They have 9500+ merchants and ten of thousands of affiliates across their global network.


It is a advanced technical and strictly pay per sale affiliate program. It was #6 at blue book top 20 in 2013. They bring cutting edge tools for improving affiliate programs. You will have to do some implementation to activate their account for affiliate program to verify your website.


Linkshare began in 1998 and  Apparently, the largest affiliate network, with over 10 million affiliate associations. LinkShare provides over 2,500 affiliate programs and allows you to choose whether to have all aspects of your affiliate channel arranged for . Linkshare’s reputation is that their commission rates for members are generally lower. However, the network provides some (Widgetized) promotion tools for WordPress sites, and has very informative videos webinar training.


PeerFly accepts affiliates worldwide and offers over 2000 live offers, accelerated payment options, custom tracking platform and free training & tools.

Affiliate marketing without website

“How can I do affiliate marketing without website” this is question from people who doesn’t have knowledge about website development and who doesn’t like to pay money for website development. I will tell you the answer for these two question below after finishing this topic “affiliate marketing without website”.  All right now we see how can you become an affiliate without website.

Email marketing

Send an email with an affiliate link about product that you are going to promote to your friends, classmate, relations and everyone that the list already you have. Sometime they will click the link and they may see that product. if they buy you will get commission.

Another email marketing techniques is find someone who blogger already that they built their client email lists for your related niche which mean those people mostly like your niche. Then buy email lists from those blogger and you can send the email them or pay for blogger to send your link with their email. Now the days you can buy email list from internet normally.

Social media pages

You can be a member of any social media sites. Popular social media sites are below

facebook, twitter, google+, tumblr, reddit, linkedin, pinterest, instagram etc.

view lists for more social networking sites

If you already have a social media account just post about your product with your affiliate links. if you dont have just join as a member in any social media networking sites and add your friends, relation and other people then promote your products.

If you don;t have enough  member in your social account the best way join in social media groups that related to your niche and contribute their groups, get permission for posting from group admin then promote your products.

Forum marketing

If you are capable to answer people’s question and if you are interested to use your knowledge to clear the people’s doubt, you can join in the forums and do it. In the same time promote your affiliate products. There are lots of forum available you to join like tutorial forum, marketing forum, business forum, etc. But you choose better forum related your niche and your knowledge base otherwise you will have to lost track to promote and you will have to waste your time too. Your main aim should be clear the doubts in forum then people will trust you what you are promoting about.

Some forum sites are below for your research

Guest posting

People love to allow bloggers who post in their blog sites because they want to increase their content length and to make them popular. So you can find any blog site for your niche and made a relationship with that blogging site and post related to their site then slowly promote your products.  (Best for writers)

Write an ebook

Write an ebook for your audience it should be represent your affiliate product that you want to promote. You can share your ebook  free for some sites.

Paid campaigns

You can publish in some paid traffic sources like facebook, google ads, bing ads. Remember that your are going send people to merchants sites through your paid campaigns. Note that some time you will have to lose your money too.

What are the disadvantages Affiliate marketing without website

Remember one thing you are sending people to vendors or advertisers website and they will be building their email list and you have lost that client further transaction. Then you have to find another client to promote think carefully this is your short term affiliate transaction it is not going to live long term. If you want earn long term you must have website don;t forget. If you have website then you can build your email list for long term affiliate marketing Now those people are your clients. You need not to find again to sell the products.

Another main disadvantage is only clickbank allow you to promote their product their website from above lists. Others are strictly requesting your website for verification and promoting products.

Create your own website it is simple watch my youtube video you can create your own website in few minutes.

Tips for become a successful affiliate marketer

  1. Select your low competition profitable niche (This niche should be search by most of the people but nobody cannot find in search engines) then you will be able to get ranking easily. Create your website and select related affiliate products and publish it.
  2. If you have good content and blogging skill dont looking for niche. Just create your website for your skill based content. It will take time for ranking but it will be steady for your future earnings.
  3. Do some research for your niche it will give the perfect value for you niche.
  4. Select rebilled products for promoting then minimum effort maximum earning.
  5. By providing ebook, tips, helping Just build your own email lists.
  6. Help to people through your website for what purpose they visit to maintain long term relationship with your clients.

Author: emss

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