Make money from Amazon

Sell on Amazon

You can sell your products through Amazon easily. You can easily reach hundreds of millions of people for selling your used stuffs or business products globally. Amazon provides more than 20 categories to set up your products easily. And another advantage of Amazon is fulfilment service pick up your products, pack it, ship it and provide customer service for these products.

Amazon Associate Program

Most of the people know Amazon have wide array of products. Amazon associate program allows their affiliate to promote amazon’s products. You can easily find the product for promote for your website niche because they have wide range of products available for you to promote. Amazon associate program offers well implemented tools for their affiliates to do the best online marketing for amazon. There are many way to get the affiliate links from amazon those are

Product link – You can get the particular product link and you can promote it
Banner link – There are three types of banner links provided by amazon associate program. Those are Promotional link(gift certificates), Rotating banner campaigns by category, Banner lists by category.
Link to any page at Amazon – You can link any particular category page using link to any page at Amazon.
Quick linker – There is a short url you can make your own text link for amazon products
Widgets – There are some widgets like deal widget, search, carousel widget, slideshow and more to easily integrate and work with your websites.
aStore – This is another best way to display the amazon store in our website. Easily display amazon store in your pages of your website.

Kindle direct publishing

You can publish your books independently to amazon’s kindle direct publishing platform at by signing in. You can publish in 5 minutes and it will display in kndle store world wide and you can easily sell it. This is another best platform of amazon for authors. You can publish any books for kindle for example cook books, educational books, stories, Novel and etc.

Author: emss

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