Make big money on fiverr

Make big money on fiverr

Fiverr is a good place to make big money by simply creating profitable gigs without marketing. Over 3 millions of services selling on fiverr under over than hundred of categories at starting price $5. People selling their basic services for $5 but there are ways to sell it for more than $5 by creating more gigs with custom prices on Fiverr.  Top sellers on Fiverr making thousands of dollars easily selling their stuffs and services.  Millions of people looking services to complete their tasks on this website and you don.t need to market about your services Fiverr doing their marketing on big popular websites.

There are so many categories to create your gigs. Main categories are

  • Graphics & Design
  • Digital Marketing
  • Writing & Translation
  • Video & Animation
  • Music & Audio
  • Programming & Tech
  • Advertising
  • Business
  • Lifestyle
  • Gifts
  • Fun & Bizarre

If you cannot find your categories, create your gigs under the other section.

4 methods to make big money using Fiverr

1. Create the gigs for your excellent skills

You may have a good skills for writing, website design, graphic design or other skills. So it is easily to find people to sell your skills on Fiverr market place.

2. Sell PLR products

There are lots of PLR products you can find on the internet to sell it on Fiverr. Some of the examples are PLR videos, PLR articles, PLR software and more.

3. Act as a broker for Fiverr gigs

There are lots of cheap rate services selling on this website under every categories. You can get the order from your client then find the cheap rate gigs on Fiverr website and sell it at high rate for your clients. For an example you are going provide the logo design for the businesses in your area or country. So you can find cheapest logo designer on this website and sell it at high rate for those businesses.

4. Get paid for common services

There are lots of common services selling on fiverr those are

  • comment for blog post
  • like facebook pages
  • review for products
  • post on facebook groups
  • social media sharing
  • and so on

Anyone can provide these kind of services easily on Fiverr.


Quick tips to become best seller in Fiverr

  • Create motivated thumbnail picture and title for you gig and it should be clearly understand for your service.
  • Handle proper tags or keyword related to your gig
  • Clearly describe your service and don’t make false statements. If you can give them free gift away for your gigs.
  • Create duplicate gig services for same service. Then people can find in different search results
  • Share your Fiverr gigs with your friends and invite them to view your service. It will help you to hit your gigs in front pages of Fiverr because of more views.

Author: emss

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